Wellness Champions

CareWorks offers Wellness Champion programmes that can either focus on HIV exclusively, or on more general wellness (including HIV).
Wellness Champions (often referred to as Peer Educators) are important communication and behavioural-change agents supporting an organisation’s healthcare strategy.
We offer accredited training courses, supported by monthly debriefing and mentoring sessions,
on-going telephonic support, and a poster education programme.
Refresher courses are also available.
Five-day (SETA accredited) and three-day (non-SETA accredited) courses
Line Management Training (4-hours) promotes internal support for the programme
Monthly face-to-face sessions (4-hours) provide Wellness Champions with life-skills training as well as a review of the monthly activities and outcomes
Monthly telephonic support
Educational posters containing a monthly health topic
When supported and motivated, Wellness Champions are change agents who influence, refer and encourage their peers to make positive lifestyle choices
Wellness Champions understand and know how to support their peers along their journey to wellness
Continuity of Programme even after service providers have left
Ground-up reporting on successes and challenges within the Programme
Wellness Champion Programmes are proven to have a positive impact on wellness within the workplace by actively promoting prevention practices and health seeking behaviour.